ABC runs seven hostels at seven districts of Bangladesh where poor blind school students reside and continue their secondary studies in inclusive schools. ABC bears all expenses including, food, lodging, tuition fees, cost of Braille books & reading materials and medical care for 74 visually impaired students of 7 ABC sponsored hostels every year. 10 students reside in each of 6 boys’ hostel and 14 girl students reside in 1 girls’ hostel under supervision of a Hostel Superintendent for each of the hostels.
You will be happy to know that 13 Visually Impaired students of ABC Hostels passed SSC examination this year like the past. Out of 13 students one boy got the GPA-5.00. It may be mentioned that after passing SSC examination many of them are admitted in different colleges for higher education and after passing they serve Govt. and Non-Govt. organizations in different places of the country.
To bear educational expenses of these blind children ABC needs around Tk.40,00,000/(Taka forty lacs) per year, on an average 5,70,000/- (Taka five lacs seventy thousand) per hostel per year or Tk. 54,000/-(fifty four thousand) per child per year. ABC has been running this program by receiving grants/ donations from generous individual donors and philanthropic institutions from home and abroad.
In view of above situation it would be highly appreciated if you donate your "ZAKAT" for the welfere of blind children and thereby help to integrate them in to mainstream society.